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Monday, January 6, 2014

Who is fighting for your kids attention?

Hope everyone hope you enjoyed the holidays.  I realized something while I was with my wife's family in Michigan.  She comes from a large family and every year at Christmas time they all get together. One thing I have been blessed with for as long as I can remember is my love for kids.  I have just always seemed to attract kids around me.  I know its because I am such a funny looking guy... but hey it works.   But while there with them I was challenged.  If you are like me when a young child wont warm up to you it bothers me....Its a  challenge to me as a children's pastor that I must win.  My wife's cousin  has a little girl who is very shy.She would not leave her parents arms, where she knew she was safe .But I couldn't let it go I had to get her attention. I tried and tried to just get a smile, doing everything I could think of. After an hour of me being pretty stupid...she laughed! YES!!!!  With one little laugh I knew there was hope. Within the next 30 minutes we were in the floor playing together.  I had used every trick that I had.  Exhausted all of my options and finally it had worked.  By the end of our time there if I would walk out of the room she would come get me by the hand and lead me back to where she had my full attention.  With a big hug goodbye we left.
But here is what happened next  I grabbed my kids, threw them in the car and made the trip back, not paying much attention to them. Just ready to hurry up with the rest of my day.  

Since then all that is been in my head is  questions
Do I  fight for my kids attention that hard?
Do I pull out all the tricks to keep their attention?
Do I work that hard just to get a small smile?
When they do smile does it mean that much?
If I don't have my kids attention,  Who does?

I think sometimes as a children's pastor we work so hard on everyone else's kids that we forget about our own.  As a father I MUST be my kids Dad first before anybody else's pastor or friend.

So here is my challenge for myself and you.
Make sure you are in your kids lives.
Make sure they smile.
Make sure they know you love them, care for them, and are always not to busy for them.
Keep you priorities right... Family First!

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