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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Where are all the men at?

Has anyone else noticed the huge absence of men in church today?  I sat back a few weeks ago in a church service and realized how many ladies were sitting by themselves.  Was it because they were widows?  Yes, in fact some of them are.  But what about the middle aged women that had rings on their fingers? Where are their husbands? As a staff member of the church, have I even met their husbands before?  As I walked over to the children’s ministry building to go have fun with some kids (because as a kids pastor it’s not just my job it’s my life, it’s what I do) I realized looking around, how many of my kids that I see on a weekly basis don’t even have fathers at home.  Wow maybe half!   I mean we have our normal families that I can count on each week to come in with smiling faces and wearing their Sunday best, the kids toting bibles in hand and their memory verses memorized.  But what about the kid that has no dad, his mom is a stripper, and he is just surviving by getting passed around through friends and family not knowing where he will sleep next.  Does he have a shot at life?  Am I really one of the only positive Christian role models he has?  
So here is the answers I came to after so many questions.   I need help!   As a male children’s pastor I need Godly men to be more involved in ministry! For every man that’s involved in their own child’s life, there are 2 fathers that are absent.  It seems to me that men suck at church we take no ownership in it.  We think we can just come in and sit through a service and never dedicate any of ourselves to it.  But I believe it is time for men to step up and step out in ministry! Adopt some kids under you so you can train them up in the eyes of the Lord.  So on this fathers day I challenge you men.  For most of us the reason that we have stayed in church is because sometime in your past you  had a man that was instrumental in our Christian walk.  He challenged you to grow in your walk with God.  Men have you returned that favor? Have you taken a child under you and poured your life into them.  God has called us to step up and lead!

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